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BASIX Target Changes

NSW Government

As of July 1st 2017 energy targets increase and more importantly, thermal comfort heating and cooling caps stringency increases.

How does this affect you?

Impact on projects from July 1, 2017

- New projects started from July 1, 2017 onwards,

- Projects in progress with no certificate generated,

- Revision of certificates issued before July 1, 2017 that have not been lodges with the consent authority.

Revisions and transition period

Old targets and caps apply to;

- Revision of certificates that have been validly lodged with consent authority (council or PCA), or for which a valid consent applies,

- Transition period for certificates issued between April 1st and June 30th, 2017; these can be lodged with consent authorities after July the 1st, provided the certificate is no older than 3 months from date of issue.

Impacts on Projects

Apart from the changes to the energy target, various data sets, including occupancy rates, greenhouse intensity and solar hot water efficiency (STCs) will be updated, hence minor score changes will be the result.

Achieving the new target

The means of achieving the new targets will vary from project to project, however typically to:

-achieve a 6 star thermal comfort score (that will entail higher glazing specifications in most cases as well as increased insulation levels and possibly thermal mass)

-select a higher energy efficiency hot water system and a higher WELS rated showerhead(s).

AENEC is committed to facilitate a smoother transition to the new standards, so please for any questions email us at:


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Level 14, 309 Kent Street

Sydney 2000




Mobile: 0416 316 204

Office: 02 9994 8906


Level 14, 330 Collins Street

Melbourne 3000




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